Sound Library

AFL Football Crowds

Over one hour of football crowd reactions – from shock to elation to disappointment to jubilant cheering.

Australian Rules Football or AFL is one of the most popular sports in Australia and the crowds are incredibly enthusiastic. This library of football sports crowds was recorded at a major stadium from various perspectives from being a part of the mob where you can hear individual voices, all the way to top level where the cheers become a massive roar of thousands of voices.

With over an hour of content, this should have all the moments and perspectives that you need. There’s elated cheers, boos, gasps, chants and everything in between. There’s even some swearing — but don’t worry, that’s in a clearly marked folder and tagged in the metadata so that you can filter those files out if you need it to be family friendly. Plus for when you need to hit the ground running, there’s a 6 minute loop-able ambience punctuated with both highs and lows.


53 files | 53 sounds | Total +6mins | 1.04GB uncompressed | 48kHz24bit

To top it all off there’s some recordings of crowd ambiences around the venue, including hallways, turnstiles and even outside the stadium. Lastly ther’s my personal favourite several recordings of the iconic AFL siren.

This is a great package filled with authentic Australian accents audible in the close up recordings – but in the middle and far perspectives all those voices becomes a massive wash that will blend nicely with other crowd libraries from any other sport and country.

Photo by Michael Spencer.
Used under a Creative Commons 4.0 license. (Modified with colour grade, crop and text.)

Music by Incomptech
“Exhilarate” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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